Herman Hidayat | Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University

Herman Hidayat

Herman Hidayat
Research Departments・Position
Environmental Coexistence
Visiting Research Scholar
Indonesia, Southeast Asia, Japan
Research Interests / Keywords
Forest Policy, Political Ecology, and Peat Swamp land management

Herman Hidayat

Model Participation and the Role of Local People in the Restoration of Peat Swamps: A Case Study of Riau, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia and Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan

Forest fires that occurred in Indonesia in the 1990s and 2000s were some of the main factors highlighted in forest mismanagement. At present, these also include the conversion of peatland to paddy rice fields, illegal logging, and the use of forest conservation areas for oil palm plantations, mining and industrial timber plantations. Such conditions eventually induce forest degradation, deforestation and forest fires. From a legal perspective, both central and local governments as well as law enforcement have imposed hard sanctions on those who break the law.

This research focuses the role of local people as well as other stakeholders to contribute to peatland management and tackle forest fires by 1) adhering to regulations on making fires in customary forest lands (for paddy rice cultivation), 2) making canals to wet peatlands, 3) establishing groups to prevent and fight forest fires (Kelompok Pemadaman Api), and 4) establishing socio-economic empowerment programs. This research will also conduct investigations in Hokkaido, to learn from agro-production, the application of technology, fertilizer use, and canal blocking. It also examines how local people, together with the central and local governments, academics, and NGOs, properly manage Hokkaido's peatlands for paddy production, cow pastures, and other agricultural products.